

Our son is home sick with the second cold for the season. He will be three years in october and is not that impressed of my new project that i try to find time for. Well at least not the stage I´m in right now - searching the internet for spearparts and reading manuals and various books about restoration in general and yamaha motorbikes in specific. He did enjoy however to ride with me on the bike with the engine turned off, just rolling down a slope. In my mind I have a picture of how I would like my YZ look like when the job is done, and that picture is as seen above.

The begining

A dream came true last week! I bought myself a wreck. A Yamaha yz 125 from 1979. I've been waiting for this bike, well not necessarily this in particular, but a dirtbike, since I was a boy. Now, thirty years later I finally got one, and this is the story of how I will make it shine again, and learn how to ride it!

The bike!

This is it! Dirty and worn, but I still belive there's life beneath the "hood". Well actually, I know so, because we did a test drive just the other day. At this point it's not much I can tell you about it. I bought it for 1000 swedish kronor, about 105 euro or 155 US dollar. Previous owner lived in Götene (sweden) but he was Dutch and brought it with him when moving to Sweden. Taking it apart might learn me more about the history an performence of this machine. I have seen a stamp in the fuel tank that it was made late autum in 1978 and I guess they built all their bikes in Japan by that time. If anybody know what to look for in order to tracy modell, year or identification of any kind please let me know. Thanks!